Once upon a Time in New York City




In 1951, Gordon moved to New York City where he started working as a fulltime employee for a charity organization called the United Jewish Appeal (UJA). This was also the year when he moved to the YW/YMHA, which houses not only rooms for residents but a concert hall, a gallery, and a Jewish library.

YWHA and YMHA stand for Young Women's and Young Men's Hebraic Organization. A counterpart of the Young Men's Christian Organization (YMCA) in Europe, the first YMHA was founded in Baltimore in 1854. Its purpose was to help youth with jobs and to offer activities for them in their spare time. The organization still promotes health, social activities, recreation, and culture.

As I mentioned, Gordon has lived in this house for the past 50 years. He remembers many young people who have stayed at the Y. Most of them have later "moved on to become teachers, lawyers and doctors," Gordon says. Harry Connic, Jr. is one former tenant, who now "produces plays and sings". Gordon also remembers personal meetings with Eleanor Roosevelt and Golda Meir, who have both, on different occasions, visited the residence. During their stay, he had the opportunity to speak to them at the dinner after the Sabbath.
