Once upon a Time in New York City




Get Real Art

It is possible to find galleries at some other locations, too. An interesting exhibition located on Fifth Avenue is the newly launched Get Real Art, which, over the past few years, has made itself a name by bringing together contemporary works by professional artists with both novice and experienced collectors in an exciting environment. According to the owner, Susan Jarrell, a young woman with intense dark eyes, the location was inspired by the salon tradition of old French galleries. You could also say that it is reminiscent of a painter's atelier. Jarrell chooses all works herself, mainly by looking at color slides sent to her. "But we are full-stored right now," her male assistant adds.

On the first floor, there are samples from the gallery's collection of about 1,000 works by over 50 artists, representing both avant-garde and more traditionalistic styles. If you consider the number of works, Paul Richard, with his blend-technique of photography and oil painting, seems to be one of Jarrell's favorites right now.
